Rabu 12 May 2021 16:16 WIB

Penyerangan Sheikh Jarrah Langgar Hukum Internasional

Kawasan Sheikh Jarrah ditetapkan menjadi bagian dari Palestina.

Rep: Wahyu Suryana/ Red: Agung Sasongko
Israeli troops are seen during clashes with Palestinian protesters in the city center of the West Bank city of Hebron, 11 May 2021. Clashes continue over the forced eviction of six Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in favor of Jewish families who claimed they used to live in the houses before fleeing in the 1948 war that led to the creation of Israel. In response to days of violent confrontations between Israeli security forces and Palestinians in Jerusalem, various Palestinian militants factions in Gaza launched rocket attacks on 10 and 11 May that killed three Israelis. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they hit over 100 targets in Gaza Strip during the 10 May retaliatory overnight strikes. The Health Ministry of Gaza strip said that at least 26 Palestinian, including nine children, were killed from the Israeli airstrikes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on 11 May that they will increase the rate and intensity of the strikes.
Israeli troops are seen during clashes with Palestinian protesters in the city center of the West Bank city of Hebron, 11 May 2021. Clashes continue over the forced eviction of six Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in favor of Jewish families who claimed they used to live in the houses before fleeing in the 1948 war that led to the creation of Israel. In response to days of violent confrontations between Israeli security forces and Palestinians in Jerusalem, various Palestinian militants factions in Gaza launched rocket attacks on 10 and 11 May that killed three Israelis. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they hit over 100 targets in Gaza Strip during the 10 May retaliatory overnight strikes. The Health Ministry of Gaza strip said that at least 26 Palestinian, including nine children, were killed from the Israeli airstrikes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on 11 May that they will increase the rate and intensity of the strikes.

IHRAM.CO.ID, SLEMAN -- Penyerangan terhadap Sheikh Jarrah di Palestina merupakan pelanggaran hukum internasional. Sebab, menurut Mahkamah Internasional Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), kawasan Sheikh Jarrah ditetapkan menjadi bagian dari Palestina.

Dosen Politik Islam dan Studi Kawasan Timur Tengah Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Gustri Eni Putri mengatakan, dunia harus mendesak Israel untuk membatalkan pengusiran warga Palestina. Apalagi, dilakukan saat Muslim dunia masih beribadah.

Baca Juga

"Termasuk, memberikan bantuan kepada Palestina. Syiar ibadah yang dilakukan warga Palestina tidak disukai Israel, sehingga hampir setiap Ramadhan, Israel menyerang warga Palestina," kata Gustri, Rabu (12/5).

Dewan Keamanan PBB perlu mendukung pemerintah Indonesia mengecam pengusiran paksa delapan keluarga Palestina dari Sheikh Jarrah, Yerusalem Timur. Masyarakat internasional perlu mendesak DK PBB mengambil langkah nyata menghentikannya.

"Guna menghentikan langkah pengusiran paksa dan penggunaan kekerasan terhadap warga sipil Palestina, yang disampaikan oleh Menlu perlu terus disuarakan oleh berbagai aktor, termasuk organisasi masyarakat sipil dan akademisi," ujar Gustri.



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